Friday, September 23, 2011

The Morgan Library and Museum

The Morgan Library and Museum is among the museums I had NO idea existed.  If I had to say one feature I enjoyed the most about the museum, it would have to be...

....The ceiling!!

My friend and I honestly spent 1 hour in the library, looking up at the ceiling and attempting to doodle the beautiful art high above.  To be honest, mine doesn't even do it justice so I won't even post it, but it was a truly wonderful experience.

Another great part about the Museum was the
and not....
On these little teeny seals, an inch tall, those from the Mesopotamian area engraved these intricate drawings.

My friend with me mentioned how she was taking jewelry design and was inspired to create seals now.  Can you imagine what an interesting necklace that would be?  Just an engraved cylinder, but then you can take it off your necklace, dip it in ink or roll it in clay and show everyone beautiful tiny art!  Love it!

For more information about the Morgan Library and Museum, visit