Friday, September 23, 2011

The Morgan Library and Museum

The Morgan Library and Museum is among the museums I had NO idea existed.  If I had to say one feature I enjoyed the most about the museum, it would have to be...

....The ceiling!!

My friend and I honestly spent 1 hour in the library, looking up at the ceiling and attempting to doodle the beautiful art high above.  To be honest, mine doesn't even do it justice so I won't even post it, but it was a truly wonderful experience.

Another great part about the Museum was the
and not....
On these little teeny seals, an inch tall, those from the Mesopotamian area engraved these intricate drawings.

My friend with me mentioned how she was taking jewelry design and was inspired to create seals now.  Can you imagine what an interesting necklace that would be?  Just an engraved cylinder, but then you can take it off your necklace, dip it in ink or roll it in clay and show everyone beautiful tiny art!  Love it!

For more information about the Morgan Library and Museum, visit

Friday, September 16, 2011

Metropolitan Museum

Like many, I've been to the Metropolitan Museum of Art many times.  But did you know the Metropolitan Museum (located 1000 Fifth Avenue) has a ROOF you can go on?  I didn't.  I've been going there countless times and NEVER have I gone up to the roof and seen the beautiful view.  Anyhow, as you may guess by now, I was ON THE ROOF AT THE MET!  I mean...I was looking at Andean Tunics too, which were gorgeous, I recommend checking them out, but I really want to highlight the roof (one track mind)

A beautiful view on top of the park!

But as my professor pointed out, the art wasn't limited to the metal sculptures.  The way the sculptures created curves and lines was art in and of itself and in addition...

.....the shadows were art!  And by standing among the statues, extending the shadow, we could become the art as well!

We were all trying it out....

Little did these people know the REAL art was right under their feet ;]

For more information about the Metropolitan Museum, visit

Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Frick Collection

For our first week, we went to visit the Frick Collection, located 1 East 70th Street, right on the East Side of Central Park
For students, entry is $10 ($18 for adults, pay as you wish Sunday from 11:00AM to 1:00 PM!)

Now....for the grand tour.....

I would suggest viewing the Garden Court. 

Surprisingly, while Frick was alive, this didn't exist.  Instead, it was somewhat of a parking lot for horses.  Now, however, it's breath taking with a beautiful fountain, columns, an opaque glass ceiling and statues.

Don't you wish you had this in your home?!

The rest of the museum is very lovely, with rooms covered from ceiling to floor in velvet material.  

I loved the green velvet interior of the East Gallery! (shown above) In a documentary about Frick that plays in the Music Room, they said late at night, Frick would walk around his house, looking at the paintings. 

My favorite part, however, was the Fragonard Room.  This photo doesn't even do it justice.  It may be dramatic to say this might be my new most favorite place in New York City but...oh well.  The world needs dramatic people.  In this room was a series of paintings by Fragonard titled "The Ages of Love"

If you look at the negative space in the trees, you can make out hearts! 

Overall, it is a wonderful experience, I really recommend going!  Remember: pay as you wish Sunday from 11:00AM to 1:00 PM!

For more information: 

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Art in New York

My first day in New York City, I remember how in awe I was of the city.  The buildings, the parks, the whole city was filled with such culture and art!  That was forward to 2011 (nearly 2012...oy...) Now a senior in college that has spent more than three years in the city, the awe is gone.  I walk by a building and rarely take another look.  I hardly go to parks.  I have no time for museums.

This Semester, for my senior year, I figured this needed to change.  This semester I took a class, "Art in New York."  Every week I'll go to a museum, a park or street and begin to view this city in a new light.  Let's begin the Fall with ART!